Corprate Social Responsibility

Our Contribution to the United Nations Sustainability Goals

Corprate Social Responsibility (CSR) has a major impact to IBG Partners’ businesses. We takes into account the effects of its activities on people, the environment and society in collaboration with stakholders and operates in a way that minimazes the effects.

We operate a voluntary idea for incorporating social and environmental issues into company activities and contact with stakeholders to contribute to long-term economic development through collaborating with partners and consumers, as well as the local community and society at large, to improve people’s quality of life.

IBG Partners believes it has a duty to contribute to a more sustainable economy and supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

IBG Partners supports the SDGs and, due to the impact of its business model, and better quality focuses in specific on the two SDGs 8 and 17.

  • 8 Economic growth and decent work ;
  • 17 Partnerships for the goal